Thursday, September 6, 2007

Petunia Atmosphere

I woke this morning with a ROTE transmission from Petunia, arriving in the form of a dream. It was much different than the early morning dreams that I’ve been having in that it was an observing and participation dream, and also an unusual color. It was a periscope-viewing dream, in that I could only see through a circular concave center like I was watching through a porthole, and the coloring was yellow/brownish much like parchment tinged by the process of smoke. In spite of the imagery, the dream was very subjective, and Petunia is aware that I’ll have a difficult time in translation.

I think what Petunia is trying to say is that the atmosphere in her time frame is much different than ours, and there are noticeable physical adjustments in the human body construct to accommodate this. The atmosphere itself is more fluid like water, but not the consistency of water exactly. Say that it is thicker and more buoyant than what we know, that produces the effect of having a cushion around one’s self, which is effecting in a gentler and more flowing movement of the body, similar to walking upright under water.

She says the coloration of the dream is more a reflection of my objection to this. I’ve been experiencing a distasteful smell for several days, as I’ve literally smelled this color, so to speak. I’ve also had trouble with my sinuses on the right side, thereby encountering the very uncomfortable physical effects of pressure and headaches. This is reflective of my resistance to this information, and I feel somewhat like that rat in the movie ‘Abyss,’ as it was learning to breathe an oxygenated liquid. The palms of my hands are sweating even as I type this.

As repugnant as all of this imagery is to me, I also comprehend subjectively what she is trying to express that doesn’t lend itself easily to words. The social atmosphere in relationship to the interaction of the self to the environment or interaction with other individuals is much altered. It is more fluid, as if the joints of interaction are well oiled and there is less friction. It provides for more comfortableness of activity and interchange.

As there is less stress upon the joints of the body, so there is less stress in the build up of the tension of intercommunication and exchange of energy. One feels the buoyancy of movement also in the levity of social interaction, which from our viewpoint would appear to be the ethereality of a fantasy realm. I hope this makes sense, as she is also saying to turn that last sentence around, because it is coming from the inside being reflected out.

That is about the best description I can produce in this moment, but the nature of a ROTE allows me to unfold it at my leisure for easier assimilation of what appears to be a strenuous adaptation to the imagery of language.


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