Friday, September 7, 2007

the meaning of life is that it has no meaning, it just has life

So when I was down for the count, I didn't just receive help from my future focus of Petunia, who was johnny on the spot to remind me that anyone can talk to their individual cells and adjust their own DNA. "It may take you a while," she said, as those beliefs sink into my own trust of self, and work their way down to the core of my basic belief structure. But she enforced, "you know how much faith I have in you."

Ankhesenamun also chimed in with support Egyptian style. Ankhe for short, says her name means in a rough translation, 'life is in the living of it.' And life for her is the movement of electro-magnetic energy. "It's a river with a current. Current like in electricity, and if you hold energy anywhere it creates resistance, which creates heat, which creates pain. So you have to keep it moving."

She was the one that told me about the ankh being an all-purpose tuning fork, and how it is used by her to also direct energy in certain manners. But when I asked if I had her outstanding healing talent, she said, 'Yes and no. It was more a matter of being born into a culture where the core belief system is that you are the electricity, rather than it's over there, up there, in those wires." "But that shouldn't stop you," she added, "you already know how to run energy, and besides, you know how much faith I have in you."

Hmmmm. Where have I heard that before?

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