Friday, September 7, 2007

Conspiracy Theory

I do plan to insert here and there more about one of my favorite subjects 'The Legends of 9.' Of course my most favorite legend of 9 is the greek translation of essence families because it is the most adaptable to understanding, as we still use the language of the Greeks. And it often appears right there in front of our very eyes, in our language.

I've already introduced one legend of 9, the Egyptian translation called the Ennead of Ra, because one of my own past focuses is associated with it. Ankhespaaten, also known as Ankhesenamun. But the legends of 9 that appear as hieroglyphs are difficult for me to translate.

However, my second most favorite legend of 9 is the one called 'conspiracy theory.' The source of conspiracy theory is Robert Anton Wilson, who is a designated satirical author, which means he was not as serious as all the off shoots that take this theory as some sort of frightening truth.

His story, and I'm paraphrasing here, (but you can research it yourself,) goes something like this:

In the fifties Bob was part of a Beatnik group that frequented coffee houses and read poetry. In the early sixties, after John Kennedy was shot, one of their beloved group realized that he was in the service with Oswald. As a patriotic gesture he offered himself up to the FBI to assist them in their investigation of Oswald. Instead they accused him of being an associate of Oswald, a traitor, and fellow conspirator, which ruined the rest of his life. RAW's invention of conspiracy theory began as revenge against the antics of the FBI.

Now here's the kicker, that made me laugh out loud when I discovered it. RAW got the idea from a old Bavarian legend of the Illuminati which suggested that there were 9 families (council of nine) that controlled all the power and wealth of the world.

They are not families as in bloodline, that is a mistranslation. They do not control all the power and wealth of the world, they assist in creating it, and that is much different. And they don't have it all, as there is no limitation to power or worth (wealth), contrary to popular belief. And Illuminati means light, which is what essence families are, the pooling of frequencies of light as they appear in our physical dimension. They are not elite people, they are designations of energy, or essence families.

Now have a good one with me, cause it'll make you feel so much better, and lessen a little more of the fearfulness.


(And somewhere in that space between me and Petunia, I hear her clapping and whistling, and chanting something to the effect of "You Go Girl!)

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