Wednesday, September 5, 2007

ennead (9) of ra / egyptian translation of essence families


[the Atenist Triad], comprising Aten, Akhenaten and 
Nefertiti, represented a new approach to the concept of the divine family. Each of the three was equated with one of the principal members of the primary Heliopolitan mythology: the Aten was identified with the creator-god Atum, Amenophis IV-Akhenaten with Atum's self-seeded offspring Shu, and queen Nerfertiti with the goddes Tefnut, who was Shu's female twin, theological equal and equivalent. 

With the birth of the king and queen's six daughters - Meritaten, Meketaten, Ankhespaaten, Nefernefruaten-tasherit, Nefernefrure and Setepenre - Akhenaten's earthly version of the Heliopolitan Ennead (the nine gods of creation) would be complete."

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