Wednesday, May 28, 2008

healing arts

On May 28, 2008, at 5:08 PM, wrote:
Share you posted this " Exactly. And this is part of Petunia's agenda, growing new limbs, like a lizard grows a new tail, and also growing another full set of teeth on demand."
Did you mean that was Petunia's agenda as for US to be able to do that, NOW, or SOON. or what? Thanks.
Steve :L


Petunia's agenda in interacting with myself is directed towards the healing arts. In the exchange of information I insert energy in my present  time frame which makes it easier to manipulate beliefs within her time frame. It does require a length of time to accept and incorporate beliefs such as growing new limbs or new teeth. 



Shares entry from Sunday on her blog says this.
"They no longer need to create an excuse for disengagement such as accident or disease, as a simple desire is enough and well understood "
Gulp, thats a little scary and one that has given me pause before in other contexts.  Because what if our passing thoughts, or rather intents, like  ", I just want to die ", , etc were so powerful that they came true..  Seems like we are going to create a lot of things we later regret. 
Steve L 


Thought does not create reality.  The choice to disengage is made the same as it is now, but the method does not necessarily require beliefs about accident or disease, making the idea of death less frightful.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.