Thursday, September 6, 2007

what dreams may come

> Thank you for posting this Katie, as I was very resistant to the 
> imagery. Petunia assures me that contained within the ROTE are 
> clearer definitions that will help me with the distortions I'm 
> creating. She says to relax and let it unfold. She does want me 
> know that the physical affectingness that I'm experiencing on a 
> personal basis is part of the shifting process, and it need not be 
> traumatic as I'm hypothesizing. I could replace the word fluid 
> flexible, and quit attempting to push that which is physically 
> uncomfortable to me away from myself. I just need to relax, trust 
> give it some more time. It is just that the concept is unfamiliar.
> Love you too,
> Share

That would hold true for all of us! I really appreciate that you 
share this with us. It also lends some credence to the physical 
thing that I am experiencing each morning on awakening - my left ear 
is stopped up each morning and my impression is that it is due to 
pressure - almost as if I have water pressing on the ear drum. This 
is all way weird, but then we should be accustomed to that by now! 
How many times over the years have we reached what seemed like the 
limit to our acceptance and then suddenly something comes up that 
pushes us even further - this is a perfect example!

Much love and acceptance, Share!

Yes, the idea of pressure is very apparent, it feels like my right eye shall pop out and my right ear will explode. That's why it feels like water, but it isn't that the atmosphere will be water, it is the only thing I can compare it to as I try to balance not only the left and right sides of my body, but also myself with the present atmosphere. I'm also having a tough time with movement. I am out of the cast and walking, but it is slow and laborious, and my muscles around the ankle are still sore from being so traumatized. It's like I'm getting a double whammy here. I've somewhat overwhelmed myself, so it's nice having Petunia around for some personal handholding and reassurance. Be gentle with yourself flows through my mind as I wrestle with the acceptance thingy.



It's interesting that you mention this movie because I also came up 
with a connection between my "futures" and "What Dreams May Come" as 
I imagined a place where my heart would sing and I came up with the 
house in that movie that overlooked the lake. I'll send you my exact 
comments from the big mother-ship list.

Love, Fran


This is what I wrote last week regarding Sharon's Petunia 

"Ever since Share posted her conversations with Petunia I've been
mulling the idea of structure around in my brain. ...

"...At any rate, I went off into a flight of fancy about what kind 
of a community I might align myself with, were I to report back to 
Fran as her future focus. As much as I love natural settings I think 
I would want to move within more "structures". I'm imagining a
beautiful cabana type place in a pastoral setting overlooking water -
very much like the house in "What Dreams May Come". I would enjoy
structures that are mostly open to the environment but still give a
sense of shelter. I imagine them being similar to a Roman villa with
courtyards and gardens. That's where my heart would soar! I think I
would also prefer to have beautiful hand made or natural things
around me within my structure. The main use for these beautiful
things would be just that - as offering me enjoyment in seeing,
feeling, hearing, and smelling them. I like the idea of the "theme"
banquets because I do love to taste good food too. And I can imagine
the fun of doing the research and constructing the perfect garment
to wear to such affairs."

So I'm fascinated by you coming up with "What Dreams May Come", 
knowing that you do not participate in the other forums!

Love, Fran

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