Sunday, September 9, 2007

anniversary day

This is my anniversary, me and the Dead Guy, although he hardly ever remembers and never sends flowers. I've had better luck with Elvis, rather than Elias, at least Elvis will pose with me for a photograph.

It is my anniversary date because in a moment of inspiration I decided I wanted a milestone date to celebrate. A date to remind me that I had made a commitment to comprehend and assimilate the material as best I could. So the date I selected was 9/9/99, and I arranged my first celebration by visiting a psychic just for the fun of it, and then having dinner at a nice restaurant.

This anniversary day I shall be having dinner once again, minus the need for the psychic appointment, as she can't really tell me in advance what I'm going to create. Besides, I can take the worth and invest in my own self-trust fund, and then allow for the normal appreciation of value as I take stock in myself. That works very nicely.

I don't think my story is unusual as I've heard it several times in Seth groups. In fact my early story almost matches the story that Jerry Hicks tells. I found Seth in a library in Las Vegas, rather than in Phoenix like Jerry. But close enough.

I actually was pulling out the book next to 'Seth Speaks,' when the Seth book came out instead and almost fell on my head. You know how they pack those things like sardines. I figured it was some sort of message to myself, which it was. I quickly glanced through it, and almost didn't check it out because it was channeled material, and I didn't trust that weird method at the time. But there was something intriguing about it.

And that began the insatiable desire to know more. My next Seth book was 'Nature of Personal Reality,' and then I was off and running. I had to, just had to, read every Jane Roberts book, sometimes searching though used book stores when they were out of print and hard to find. They were treasures, and I still have them all.

Not that I actually understood it. Sometimes I'd read a couple of pages and then have to sleep for a while, but that Sumari hook was well imbedded, and I couldn't seem to wiggle free. The only problem for me was that I had no one to talk to. If I mentioned the concepts that I had learned, I just got weird stares, and anyone I gave a Seth book to never read it, so the promise of conversation soon dissolved. I just assumed I was alone on this vision quest, and continued on as a closet Sethie.

Then along came the information highway, and one day as I was surfing I got the notion to search on Seth/Jane Roberts. What a pleasure it was for me to discover that I wasn't the only one, as there were many websites. I found one with a mailing list, and I was off and running again. Then one day I received a personal email from someone named Daryl, asking me if I was aware that the Seth material was being channeled again. She said it wasn't exactly Seth, but more like a Seth update, and she included the one website address.

Oh my, I felt like I was back at line one. There was at least 300 transcripts for me to read, which at the time I thought was an overwhelming task, as I read them in order. And then there was brand new terminology and concepts. It does take a while to become fluent in EliasSpeak. And just what was this 'essence family game' that they were playing? I'd never get that, it was too foreign, so I just skipped over those parts.

Today I say, "you've come a long way, baby! Happy Anniversary."

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