Friday, September 7, 2007

the atmosphere of atmosphere

> It is NOT a matter of the thickness of it, but the awareness in that 
> somehow one is more a part of the flow of the atmosphere, and both 
> move together in accord. It lends itself to soothing comfort and a 
> natural state of grace or harmony.
> I've had lucid dreams where the affect is much the same. I know that 
> the creation of my image of my physical self and the creation of the 
> environment where I find myself are one in the same. I feel no 
> separation between the two, like I do within the waking state. I'm 
> also aware of me as the creator of the dream, and the dream itself as 
> being the same thing. It does not feel thicker, but more immersed or 
> part of the whole.

Share, this is how I understood your 'fluid' description too, and I immediately referenced 
this feeling from my own lucid dreams, cuz this is exactly how it feels. :) It's lovely to know 
that this is how the atmosphere will adapt as we all realize our borderless connections.

In fact, I just had one of these dreams yesterday morning. Some backstory first:

My husband is a chef, and both of us really dig the chef/writer/food-lover-and-adventurer 
Anthony Bourdain. I catch his shows all the time where he travels around and explores 
cuisine and native foods around the globe. Well, I had commented to Phil the night before 
how sexy I think he (Phil, husband) and Anthony (and most male chefs) look when they are 
dressed out in their white chef coats, white apron and standing at the stove flipping their 
saucepans (ya know how you flick your wrist to make the food in it do little sommersaults 
*grin*). hahaha! Nothin sexier than a handsome man in the kitchen preparing beautiful, 
sensual food for ya!! ;)

So anyway, the next morning I had this lucid dream right before I woke up. From my 
journal notes:

"I know that I am selected to work with a famous chef. I'm with 2 other women, we are 
sitting in a booth at a unique deli kind of place. I notice lots and lots of details around me. 
We are waiting for our apprenticeship to start. Our mentor walks in and slides in to the 
booth to sit across from me. The other 2 women start to cry and hug him with fanatical 
tears streaming down their faces. I just smile and say, 'Hey, man, what's up?' and reach 
over the table for a handshake and a friendly hug.

He is tall, thin, dark eyes, and medium-long dark, wavy hair. Handsome!! He has a 
delicious italian accent.

I am not 'hearing' all teh words everyone is saying around me, but I'm understanding the 
energy and it appears Chef has selected only me to participate in the apprenticeship. He 
says graciously to the other 2 women, 'Perhaps another time,' with a charming smile.

We take off, walking very quickly thru a huge warehouse-like market. Produce, nuts, 
supplies, etc etc of all shapes, colors, textures. We walk side by side with our arm wrapped 
around each other's waists, as we breeze around; I'm almost flying as my toes are barely 
touching the floor; a wonderful energy of dance and cooperation, as we go around 
selecting fresh ingredients for our dishes.

We are laughing, talking, really enjoying our connection. We pass a big window and see 
row after row of live, miniature animals: baby giraffes 5 inches high, woodpeckers, etc.

I'm slightly appalled, but I realize 'someone somewhere I guess finds them delicious.'

I wake up. It is one minute before my alarm is due to go off. :) LORENZO?!!!"

hahahaha!! Lorenzo is a future focus of Patel's who is a longtime partner of my future 
focus Francesca. They live in Italy (Tuscan hills, but they also create living right on the 
ocean too) and they both connect with me daily. I don't get 'instruction' either from them, 
(unless I ask) but lots of support and encouragement and fun flirting.

It was the fluidity of the air and our movements in it that was dead on with what Sharon 
was describing. Like, there was less or no friction and we glided and slid and almost 
danced or hovered around the many aisles. :)

hahhahaha! So cool! I love this stuff!


Oh My! I could easily go there. Turn left at the shell station?
Lovin' it,
Oh yes, and back to the atmosphere thingy, I couldn't have explained it better. That is just one magnificent example.

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