Saturday, September 1, 2007


Petunia tells me a story of the early pioneers of her community, way back when it was a small group of ten or twelve who had moved inland due to the number of tsunamis along the coast that had reshaped and formed the coastline, to where it could no longer  be inhabited. They were outdoors type people who drove until they found a spot in the forest that suited them. They had arrived with a truck load of supplies ready to carve out a new residence. The first night they built a campfire and sat around the fire eating and discussing what their plans were. 

They liked a particular area with its collection of trees, and were planning how they would string up their tarps for protection. They were talking about how it was almost perfect for their purposes, but how they wanted more of a clearing in the center, and perhaps the next morning they would cut down a couple of trees to achieve the purpose. Then they all climbed into their sleeping bags and retired for the night.

The next morning as they were stoking  the fire for breakfast, one of them called out in astonishment, and pointed to the area they were talking about the night before. The trees were now arranged exactly the way they had imaged the night before. Not only did it seem that the trees got up and moved around during the night, but some of the trees seemed even shorter and the limbs stretched out over the center area, providing a natural shelter. 

Of course they all thought they had gone 'bonkers', cause everyone knows trees don't move, but there it was ready and waiting for them to set up base camp. Events like this kept happening, and finally they decided that this was an enchanted forest that was willing to cooperate with whatever they desired, and thus began the Community of Harmony.


I do this a lot also. This is a silly example, but an example 
nevertheless: I use a hair curler thingy that uses small gas 
cartridges for heat and the store where I usually get them had been 
out of them for a couple of months. Everytime I went in there I 
would check on them. Then I thought I would go online and find out 
if I could purchase them online and couldn't. This became quite a 
big deal to me as I searched everywhere for them. Finally one day I 
was in a RiteAid pharmacy and I thought I would check there and they 
didn't even carry the brand of curling iron so I figured my chance 
of finding the cartridges there was nil. As I started to walk back 
toward the check-out stand I glanced up and saw a package of the 
cartridges sitting on top of one of the displays in a completely 
different department - just waiting for me!

Love, Fran

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