Monday, April 12, 2010

Questions for Petunia

1)What roles can others effect to maximally encourage this physical healing in others in Petunia's experience?

A) No one is ever healed by another. What is given freely is supportiveness. Since everyone has access to ROTEs, as that is the standard form for education, even the exchange of information is not needed, except perhaps as a reminder that everyone can heal themselves.
People still do generate dis-ease, but not that often, as there is more of an understanding. When it does happen, it is usually a bid for attention, and attention is freely given by the community in general, for everything involves the community. They operate similar to the way all the cells respond in a physical body to an injury. People no longer create a terminal disease for the process of disengagement, and death is often a celebration.

2)Seth mentions in Unknown Reality that sudden, miraculous cures of physical diseases [such as cancer] are changes in the physical corporality in relation to what we perceive as "time". When the aforementioned occur, is this akin to consciously choosing [in Petunia's experience] to shift to another probability/dimension/etcetera to return to the natural state?  [Via also what Bashar might describe as the balance point, or others the ZPE [zero point energy field]?

A) It's not really all that complicated. Every now moment is brand new, and you create yourself automatically in the natural state of well being, just like you may create yourself in a dream. Any issues that are involved that produce physical affectingness are created on top of that, and once an individual has dealt with the belief or beliefs in play, it is easy to create the self without the overlays, therefore in a natural state. That can happen in any now moment.

3)In Petunia's experience, how would she describe the natural state?  I intuit this state is inherently individual; however, are there holistic commonalities that we might share, encourage and/or be aware of?

A) It probably compares to your physical imagery of yourself when you are in the dream state. It is more a feeling of well being, or as Seth describes, a state of grace. It is naturally healthy.

4)Does art [as we define it] exist in Petunia's era?  If so, is there any correlation between visual/auditory/olfactory/gustatory and or kinesthetic art and the encouragement of the natural state in healing?

A) It is all about art and creativity. Every act is encouraged as a creative act and displays each individual uniqueness constantly. It is as though they practice nothing but art, in many, many different forms.

5)What are Petunia's perceptions of the possibilities inherent in varying locales within Nature to assist in returning to the natural state:  is the energy inherent on/by the sea more conducive to healing for some?  The mountains, forests, deserts for others?   If so, how can we discern this for ourselves and others?

A) It is whatever the individual resonates with. If they are not happy in a community in the forest, they move to another community which suits them. This method is not only acceptable, but encouraged. It is also available for children as young as 3, no matter where the birth parents reside.

6)On the cellular level, what is occurring to the DNA when a shift occurs from a physically dis-eased stated to an undis-eased state?

A) We create our DNA, it doesn't create us. In the natural state the DNA complies to our desire.

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