Petunia constantly reminds me that it is ideas that are contagious. We've renamed that to mind virus or memes to make it sound more scientific, but the basis for reality construction still comes from its subjective (subject / concept) source. This is well understood in the future, thus the ease of manifestation based solely upon intent. Much like wispy wishful thinking, but power-packed with a load of undoubting trust that will take some years for us to perfect.
This changes the basis for The New Earth, or a different reality construct, to one of more abstractness only because the absolute is no longer expected. The boundaries of the past have been removed and replaced with the freedom of autistic thinking or expectations. This would be most noticeable in the area of medicine or healing constructs. And she calls them constructs because they involve group interaction or community participation. Yes, individuals still manifest disease, but it is more for experimentation because the old idea of a judgmental God outside of one's self delivering punishment for crimes of sin, no longer exists. It would be as medieval as blood letting or leeches are to us now.
Disease is manifest somewhat as entertainment, the way a child will hop on one foot for a period of time, just to experience a feeling of limitation. But the physical manifestation is understood as body of individual but cooperative cells, the way the entire universe is a replication of the design of the body. And each cell is willing to cooperate to whatever extent is desired, so no physical affectingness need be considered permanent or out of control. This allows each individual the opportunity for extended lifetimes well beyond our present day expectations, and based on individual preference.
Birth and death still exist in the design for entrance and exit from this physical dimension, but birth and death are both subjects for celebration. Individuals no longer need to create an excuse for disengagement such as accident or disease, as a simple desire is enough and well understood. Many attend their own Bon Voyage party and within their goodbyes indicate their intent to "keep in touch," since this is quite simplistic due to the removal of the separation veil. As in tribal cultures, the ancestors are always available.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
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