Friday, August 31, 2007

Flower Power


I thought I would take this opportunity to share some imagery I have
been creating lately. It seems that the energy that I have been
drawing to myself recently has involved creating what I am looking for
in the right moment. It's sort of a "seek and ye shall find" energy.
Recently, it's been a matter of looking for something, and managing to
find myself inexplicably drawn to the exact spot where the thing is
hiding, even if it's some obscure spot that I never would have thought
to look if I were relying on intellect alone. Mind you, the Shift-y
thing about this is not that I found something I was looking for.
People have been doing that for thousands of years. The Shift-y thing
about this is the idea of setting my sights on an outcome that I
wanted to create, and successfully creating it.

Then, just yesterday, I arrive at work and find that a bunch of
meetings have been rescheduled. As it turned out, a big meeting was
now scheduled right at the same time as an appointment that I had. The
office where I had the appt is right downstairs from where I work, so
I decided to go there and see if I could reschedule. Just when I get
to the door, I see the person I had the appointment with, coming down
the hallway. I tell her that the schedule time doesn't work anymore,
and she asks if I'm free for right then. I tell her I am, and just
like that, everything's cool. Again, this sort of scenario has
happened throughout history. The thing that makes it Shift-y is that
it leads to an acknowledgment that I successfully created what I
wanted by focusing on the successful outcome and drawing the
resolution to myself while simultaneously taking *action* to achieve
what I wanted.

These are mundane examples, but most of our lives exist in the
"mundane" world of appointments and missing toy light sabers hiding in
obscure boxes. Besides, if we can't tackle the mundane stuff, how can
we expect to leap across dimensional veils? Although that might be
easier, you never know. My point in all this is to try to offer a
working example to anyone else listening. I find that "looking for
missing item" imagery actually helps reinforce my faith in creating my
reality, and it might be a good place for people to practice.

My original question was basically about what I could do, what actions
I could take to build up my trust in myself to the level that
Petunia's society maintains. I want to put these concepts into
practice, instead of letting them be academic, textbook concepts that
I don't actually apply. Your response from Petunia sounds a bit like
more of the same "just trust yourself, the Shift is now, you have the
potential within you, magic is all around you" platitudes that we hear
a lot from the Dead Guys. That may be true, but what I'm looking for
is not conceptual reinforcement and verbal encouragement. I'm
interested in actions that one could take to build up that trust in
oneself. I know that every individual is different, and that the
specific, concrete actions that I take are ultimately my choice.
Still, there must be suggestions she can offer that can inspire us in
this moment to find our own paths, as she recommends we do. Earlier in
this message, I offered examples, from my own life, of ways to
acknowledge a widening of awareness. The entity Kris has been spending
a great deal of time lately discussion "action" and how it is
necessary to create one's reality; without it, we are simply sitting
idle and wishing.

I think most of us want to stop wishing and actually take action to
truly Shift, in their own lives. Sometimes I think I'm further along
than I might have otherwise thought. Other times, I doubt that the
Shift is happening at all. Overall, I don't really know for sure. I do
know, however, that trusting ourselves is a healthy attitude, and the
more I can adopt the philosophy, the more I'll be able to make my
reality truly my own.

~ Steve

Petunia says that your impression is correct, "you are already further along than you might have otherwise thought."  And she adds, "There are plenty alongside her in the community garden; Pansy, Daisy, Lily, Rose, Peony, Tulip, Thistle, and more, who would bloomin' love to connect with a past version of themselves, for they eagerly want to share their version of growth, expansion, and blossom."

BAHAHAHAHA!  Petunia is quite a perennial flower child, no doubt!

Creating History

Hi Sharon :)

I'm Michele/ Evealyn, and I've been enjoying and appreciating your artistic flavorings and
amazing creativity for the past few years. Dunno why I never told you, or introduced
myself before now, but oh well, s'matters not. :)

Honey, I just HAD to honor this overwhelming impulse to write you and THANK YOU for
sharing everything you and Petunia talk about. I adore her and you, and I just had to tell
you objectively. :)

When you and Myranda and others talk about future focuses, it literally empowers me to
allow more communication with MY future focuses, and helps me not discount it all - I
used to just chalk up my little conversations as 'wishful thinking' or 'it's just me talking to
myself' - and now I fully realize IT"S ALL REAL and IT"S ALL VALID. I can't describe the joy
that has brought me, knowing and appreciating all of Me, all of Mes. :)

I have a future focus named Francesca who I am allowing myself to hear more and more
clearly. Thanks for your and Petunia's encouragement in this allowance. Please keep
posting your talks, as each piece you post helps all of us build this trusting of ourselves, I

I really connected with what you posted about the shifty kids. My son chose high-
functioning autism when he was born in 1998, and it is really cool to see this is exactly
what is going on - they are providing us the opportunity to allow more acceptance of
difference, and shift the way we 'teach' and 'learn' and interact.

And I was watching Oprah the other day while making dinner, and Dr. Mehmet Oz was
talking about how the emergency and medical fields are breaking down in the Katrina-New
Orleans area, and that how it is the private, volunteer, grass roots organizations of
'everyday people who care' who are providing the 'new energy' and new ways to organize
these areas - the main government organizations just aren't working anymore, and more
and more people are seeing that. :) So this is all happening,and we are all in the middle of
creating that shift, and that is so fuckin amazing to me. hahaha! :)

Thanks again, Share. Oh, one more thing - I am an artist who creates a lot of doubt and
frustration and discouragement too with my creating, so the part where Petunia thought
this was really wacky was just so sweet to me. hahaha! And you really, really shined a
light on this aspect for me: that these communications are two-way streets - I am lending
just as much to Francesca, as she is lending to me - and that is such an amazingly
beautiful thing to me!! :)))))

Much love and appreciation to you, hon... xooxoxo


Thank you so much for your love and appreciation and I return it back to you. Yes, Petunia has made a major impact in my life, but in reverse she is so thrilled to interact with me, because from her viewpoint she is participating in the creation of her own history.

xoxoxoxoxo from the essence of Camden/Camdon

The Unspoken Thing

The Unspoken Thing
Originally uploaded by lfdeale
The Merry Pranksters

The Unspoken Thing


I saw something in your blog about Petunia describing history, as it
stands from her point of view. It sounds almost as though new
generations replace old generations, and through this process, a new
culture is born. I suppose that is how cultures experience change over
time, but it does bum me out a bit. My understanding of the Shift thus
far is that all individuals, all around the world, are widening their
awareness, and that all individuals, provided they live long enough,
will begin to discover their inner senses and learn to manipulate
reality in the way that your friend describes. Her description,
however, seems to imply that earlier generations, like yours and mine,
will simply go obsolete, to be replaced by new generations of
individuals with wider awarenesses. I, for one, don't want to stand
around while future generations have all the fun :)

I have some more questions for you to throw at her, if you don't mind.
Could you ask her whether any noteworthy Shift-related events took
place, in *her* version of her past, in 2008 or 2012? I've been
hearing these years bandied about in these kinds of forums, and if her
timeline put some significance on those years, it might mean that a
similar energy will be expressed for us as we experience them.

Finally, Petunia says that we can each actualize the Shift right now,
if we choose. I have also been hearing that for a very long time, from
Elias and others. The problem is that I haven't a clue how to truly
actualize that. They say it's a matter of self-trust, of neutralizing
beliefs. I'd have an easier time trusting myself if I had a direction.
Trust in oneself is only part of the puzzle. The other part is action.
I can sit in my car and trust myself that I'm capable of driving to
San Francisco, but I won't move an inch until I actually start the
car, and I can't start the car if I don't know where to look for the
keys. I may trust my driving abilities, but they don't do me much good
until the car is started. I hope that metaphor makes some sense. My
point in this is that it would be useful if Petunia could offer some
ideas on what we can *do* to actualize the Shift in this moment.

Eagerly awaiting a response from the future,

I understand your distress, but Petunia would like to reinforce the fact that anything that she creates in her reality you may create in the here and now, including using the Replicator. In her future time all people are aware that they create their own reality in totality and it is a matter of daily experience. In our time, some people are aware of the theory, but for the most part it remains a theory and not a constant daily personal experience. 

Now, generally people believe that reality creates them and therefore they look outside of themselves for something to happen to them. Even looking for shifty events in particular years is indicative of this viewpoint. There is no one particular event where everything instantly shifts, it is a series of events that shape and mold. Even individual widening of awareness is a slow process, otherwise we would be totally overwhelmed by it and it would appear to be some sort of contagious mental disease.

Individuals do not go obsolete, the social structures and actual buildings go obsolete, because they cannot be used in the same manner as they were before. Some of them are blow up, some fall down due to decay, some are washed away by disaster, and some are willingly torn down and replaced. But all these buildings are simply reflections of mental structures, and how fast we are willing to let go of old established beliefs and turn our values from valuing things outside ourself to valuing the individual. And that is each and every individual with no expectation that they must behave in any particular manner. 

Petunia advises that rather than holding expectation of outside events that you might need to protect yourself from, shift your attention to you. Your reality creation is where your attention is. Notice each time that you use the Replicator and that you are already using it to a large extent without realizing it.  Yes, as you say, you can sit in your car and trust yourself that you are capable of driving to San Francisco, but you won't move an inch until you actually start the car, and you can't start the car if you don't know where to look for the keys. But pay attention to where you do find the keys. Perhaps they are already in the ignition, and perhaps the car is already idling just waiting for you to step on the gas.  Magic happens.

The more you notice the Replicator, the more you trust the Replicator, which in effect is you simply trusting you. 


A response from the past -

At Petunia's last theme party, 'the hippy days,' there was a conversation about the recognition of the Replicator in the 1960's. 

This is from Tom Wolfe's kaleidoscopic non-fiction novel, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, that chronicles the tale of novelist Ken Kesey and his band of Merry Pranksters. In the 1960s, Kesey led a group of psychedelic sympathizers around the country in a painted bus, presiding over LSD-induced "acid tests" all along the way. Long considered one of the greatest books about the history of the hippies, Wolfe's ability to research like a reporter and simultaneously evoke the hallucinogenic indulgence of the era ensures that this book, written in 1967, will live long in the counter-culture canon of American literature.

"Chapter - The Unspoken Thing"—quote: "... Cassady pulls the bus off the main road and starts driving up a little mountain road—see where she goes ... they keep climbing and twisting up into nowhere ... It turns out they’re out of gas, which is a nice situation because its nightfall and they’re stranded totally hell west of nowhere with not a gas station within thirty, maybe fifty miles. Nothing to do but stroke themselves out on the bus and go to sleep ... DAWN All wake up to a considerable fetching and hauling and grinding up the grade below them and over the crest comes a CHEVRON gasoline tanker, a huge monster of a tanker. Which just stops like they all met somewhere before and gives them a tankful of gas and without a word heads on into the Sierras toward absolutely NOTHING."

Thank You

There is nothing in Petunia’s reality that we could not create right now in this time frame, for it is all a simple matter of belief. But Petunia holds to her opinion that the way her present [our future], was created was by the process of the sequence of generations adjusting mass belief according to their special needs and desires. In other words, it took three/four generations for the collective to change its mind.

The shifty kids began in the late 1990’s expressing themselves differently. If they were Borledim influenced they were born as autistic, indigo, crystal, or whatever other label attached to it. Actually it is all the same thing, as they were intentionally born with full awareness of both inner and outer senses, and they each made an individual choice as to how they wished to apply their talent. It was immediately noticeable in the early part of the new century that the educational system of schoolroom style rote learning was no longer functional.

If they were Vold influenced they simply shot the place up and that quite effectively demonstrated that the educational system would have to be reinvented.

Slowly society began to recognize that all other social systems would also have to be redesigned to accommodate the shifty kids, as they too would be obsolete in a short period of time. It was frightening to the masses to recognize that at some point the inmates would be running the asylum, but that was exactly what was happening. It wasn’t so much the birth of a new generation, but the birth of a brand new culture.

And it certainly wasn’t easy for the masses to let go of old ideas of authority and hierarchical social structures because they were deeply ingrained. Differences of all sorts were brought to the forefront to be examined, and a new method of acceptance of difference had to be designed or else society in general would be totally intolerable.

From Petunia’s point of view there is great respect and admiration to all whom chose to participate in the ‘shift in consciousness,’ and she thanks you individually for your collaboration in creating your future and her present. It is, as she expresses, “most delightful.”

Petunia Entertainment

I think one of the most interesting subjects that Petunia has covered is their manner of entertainment. There is little difference to them between dreaming and waking reality. In waking reality they use their outer senses and in dreaming reality they use their inner senses.

In waking reality they can interchange their outer senses so that they are not limited, as an example they can see sound or hear color. They are also very aware of the sense of smell and use it to recall memory, but also as an intuitive factor, like they can literally smell danger.

Dreaming reality is as valid as waking reality and they use lucid dreams to create their own versions of movies to watch, but also where they participate in the construction and the action of the movie.

They delight in mixing dreaming and waking realities for different effects. Petunia loves to host theme parties, and she usually draws from historical time frames, but she can also connect to her future focuses and draw from that. Recently she designed a party around the hippy era. She replicated costumes, food, drink, and drugs for all her guests, and they spent a charming evening around the fire recreating the tastes of the 1960’s. After they had spent themselves dancing and delighting, they all retired to their private sleeping quarters with the agreement to meet in dreamland. Collectively they created a dreamscape that included a hippy bus painted in brightly colored flowers, and took a tour around the United States that in dream time seemed to last for years, but in waking reality was only a matter of hours. The next morning they gathered around the fire for conversation about their different translations of the dream adventure, similar to how we would look at photographs after an extended trip to recall memories. Great fun was had by all.

Thursday, August 30, 2007


It is interesting to me that your subject today is about structure, because I was talking with Petunia last night about structure in her community. She said that to say they have self-governing communities is somewhat misleading, in that they don’t have government in the form that we know it. There is no authority, whether it be chief or council. There is no one or group that dictates policy or morals, so everyone directs themselves. In the times of disaster or extreme problems the body of the community responds similar to the way the physical body responds to an injury. All attention is focused on the injury, and the community naturally rushes to respond, the same way blood rushes to the site of a physical injury creating swelling in that area. Then there is a temporary structure set up, based on the nature of the problem, like the manner that New York City responded to the WTC event. This structure is based on collective cooperation and each individual offers their support according to their own knowledge and abilities in a concentrated effort. But once the problem is resolved the structure is dismantled. There is no planning for anticipation of future disasters because each is different and handled entirely in the moment according to need.

Her particular community has a theme to live in harmony with their environment, so their physical housing structures are composed of living and growing matter, such as trees, bushes and vines. They are more like intentional shelters. Some are small for the individual, some are larger for families, and there are many common areas like barns. Overall her village resembles a large garden composed of plants and flowers of all varieties.

The weather is rainy, but they can control it in the manner that it does not rain on their shelters directly, but rather around them, therefore the shelters remain dry and comfortable. There isn’t furniture as we know it, but rather contour of the land to simulate sitting and sleeping spaces. Sort of like a nest. They can levitate themselves, but only a few inches. This provides for a constant air cushion, which is very comfortable for sleeping purposes. Petunia has lined her sleeping contour in moss, and it is extraordinarily pleasing.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

May, 2007

cactus springs, nevada - me 2007
Originally uploaded by lfdeale
me and sekhmet, cause it's hard to photograph a non-physical energy personality essence


Thank you for sharing all of your experiences, Sharon, this one with the
thunderstorm (I love thunderstorms, see my early session with E about
the "thunderstormbeing") but also especially all of what you share about
Petunia. I remember how Daryl identified her. We talked about that on
phone and she so much enjoyed to identify Alterversity focuses for
other, and 11:11 focuses. She was very good in that. And I am sure that
her joy about identifying her was, maybe not objectively, but
subjectively also a knowing of how much you with your sharing wold be
supporting her shift assist project, or however to call it.

I am too thrilled about creating the release of the audio files. We had
a talk about this desire for current session at the soft orientation
list and then Axel was writing a mail to Mary, Ron, Bobbi, Gerhard and
Paul, supported by our pooling. And now I see how many more were
participating in this pooling. I love these energy highway examples of
interconnectedness which are not about which group is talking about what

I so much appreciate your sharing about Petunia's version of the future.
I very much love to merge with my past, present and future focuses or to
not fully merge but talk with them or to do both and get information
about their view about our dimension. And much of what you say is what
they said to me too or what I am experiencing when I am visiting the
future, some aspects are expressed differently as to how Petunia is
expressing, some aspects are different, some are exactly the same. Also
it is different for different focuses I have in the future since they
have different interests and so create various types of realities, some
really very different from what other focuses of me create.

For now one example: I love what you say about the Alterversity. I have
hesitated to talk about it since quite some time, so thanks for bringing
it up, I am now exporing my hesitation :) And my Alterversity focuses
experience the Alterversity as an "action within consciousness". In this
the action can be translated in however someone desires. That is also
why it is an energy action that supports each individual preference of
translating, so that each erson connecting with it gets the best benefit
of it and has whatever is fun and is interesting for it.

The same with what you say about objects. Many of my focuses in the
future are not interested in surrounding themselves with too much stuff,
just like you said. Some do not live in houses at all. It also is
related to a very different perception. I (me as the Anjuli focus) for
example more and more experience "my apartment" as a translation of
"what I feel at home with" or of my energy field. This changed my whole
perception of walls, rooms, objects. And once I was open for this type
of experience my future focuses could talk in very different ways with
me about what they experience. I would not have understood this before.

The same with animals. My various focuses too have this relationship
with animals as Petunia expressed. They do not have pets in the way we
do. But if I would have dreamt of it in the past and I would have seen
their connecting with some animals I would have thought they have pets.

It is for me amazing HOW DIFFERENT the future now is for me as compared
to some time in the past. It is a continuous change. This is especially
exciting if you live together with someone from another time (me with
Timothy/Eliantan) Our interactions and the living together as a couple
and our living with "ht etimetribe" changes his and my time.

A difference to what you expressed about how Petunia's world looks like
is that various of my focuses are fascinated by what we call "the
timetribe", this community which Daryl too interacted with to which
various members of various times and places belong (not just future
ones, also many from my past). They experience themselves as living
together. They love to create their own continents by what I call
"patchwork of landscapes". I for example create a lake from the future
to be in my neighborhood. This is not on the map of my collective.
Various of my focuses and my friends in the future do not perceive
landscapes in the way we do. They create their own "maps". And these
maps are very fluid. They may have an ocean next to them on one day and
mountains on another day.

Some of my focuses live in a very crowded future, Shelly Shore for
example. Aimee Dubois lives in a future with vast areas of nobody living
there. There also have different preferences of how to deal with what we
call food. Some do not eat at all, some eat but directly manifest it,
some like to create restaurants (or bars, like the timeravel bar "Balu
Bar" ) for other people and the food is like in our time more a fun
adding to the coming together and meet. Shelly Shore loves to be
gardening and to plant in the old fashioned way. She does not have to
but she likes to do it. She likes to be cooking (she is born in Dec
2416). But she views it differently as our farmers do. Some of my
future focuses love technologies, and some of my friends very much enjoy
technologies (like Annos van Anderson/Gottlieb). Some are not

Katie, I loved what you said about your past focuses. This is so for me
too, so it could be related with the dispersedness.

Fran, I am getting so much support from all of my focuses, past, present
and future. Whatever they explore is "assisting" me, and whatever I
explore is assisting them. I once shared with Daryl in the time of the
shift assist talks we had that my future focuses say that they
experience me and my other focuses in the time of the shift as "shift
experts", and that all information they have about the shift is coming
from me and focuses living in the time of the shift. So they do not
perceive themselves as having information I do not have and which I
could need as assistance. But they do assist my shifting by being
playful, by loving me, by interacting with me and in various other ways.
It is a grand play of all focuses being related and each one adds to the
experience of the other ones. They are experts for their time and their
actions within consciousness and their explorations, but they tell me
that they do not have the experience I have, of being born in the shift
and experience the shift. This is why they view me (and our shift
focuses) as the expert of the shift. Maybe your focuses are like this
too :) I am not sure if I ever was able to express this to Daryl clearly
and we had some misunderstandings about this. So I understood what you
said that you are not sure if you ever was "in tune" with this list. It
is not my list (well, it is in terms of YCYR) and so whatever the
direction of it is is up to the two dar shiftassisters creating it. But
for me you ARE a shiftassister, we all are automatically since we are
the focuses doing the shift - and all knowledge they have and our
essences have about it comes from US!!!

Loving greetings to everyone, Myranda


And loving salutations to you, Myri!

I'm really enjoying this whole thread and the fact that Sharon is 
sharing all of this with the group. I have nothing to compare it to, 
but that doesn't prevent me from completely enjoying the 
information! As you already know, I create my connections in 
different manners from others and am not really open to interaction 
with my other focuses - past, present, future, or probable. Of 
course that doesn't mean they aren't attempting an interaction with 
me. I'm imagining them sitting around the Balu Bar over their Shift 
Cocktails and discussing how dense that Fran is and how she just 
insists on doing this whole thing herself without their assistance!

I have met up in dreams with Elandra, my lovely future focus who is 
connected with the Alterversity. Daryl was very good at pinpointing 
the various "futures" and she knew of Brian who is connected with 
Ashrah. I've also dreamed of a future focus who does research trips 
to other galaxies. But that's about the extent of it. I know that I 
added almost 100 new future focuses from the time I first asked 
Elias about total focuses up to the last time I asked a couple of 
years ago. Some of these are also whales or dolphins like the young 
female orca I met up with in a dream.

I'm remembering conversations we've all had in the past regarding 
famous focuses and how we decided that we are the "famous" focuses 
in the future because of our work within this shift.

Love, Frandel


Thank you so much for your validation and appreciation of Petunia and her story.  I appreciate her information also. As far as being 'shift experts,' this is what Petunia was talking to me about when she first came through, and her admiration embarrassed me to the point that I really didn't want to record it, thinking it rather personal and somewhat inflated. She was thrilled to have made the connection, "finally" as she expressed it, for she had been trying for some time. To her, I'm not only a historical figure, but also what she considers a famous focus and a pioneer, and she delights in collecting information not only concerning my dedication, but also about the activity of my life. At first I felt this as sort of intrusive to me, but I think I've adjusted over the many months so that I'm not so uncomfortable with her intense interest in me.

She could hardly believe that I, in my time frame and viewpoint, could actually feel discouragement and disappointment, and she wanted to make sure that I understood my own impact on the future from the choices I've made in the now. She actually doesn't know how her culture got to where they are except through the process of the rapid evolution of subsequent generations. "It is just the way it is, " she says, and generally the majority are extremely satisfied. Petunia doesn't quite understand how it is to be boxed in by ones own limiting beliefs, because she hasn't personally experienced that.  She isn't familiar with limitation, and it is hard for her to imagine a society where the majority are dissatisfied in some manner with their physical body, personal relationships, or environment. They don't have a constant bombardment of advertisement saying, "you are not good enough, and you need this product to make you better." She can't imagine wanting to look or be like someone else, because in their culture they so value their individual uniqueness. She doesn't know why people would view aging as distasteful, or why they would even concern themselves with physical age. They don't even consider what other people think, and they are not constantly bothered with judgment, comparison, competition, or control. They don't have a overwhelming sense of ownership, or a need to fit themselves into any type of role. Freedom almost doesn't have a meaning because it has no opposite counterpart in terms of obligation or commitment. Love is not an expectation of behavior, nor is there any grading system or labels. She doesn't understand why we would confuse our identity with our jobs, as they don't have designated jobs, they just do what they want to do. It is fascinating for her to know that we work hard to accomplish what comes to her naturally and as a birth right, namely a constant state of grace.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

future focus

future focus
Originally uploaded by lfdeale

My Future Focus - Petunia

I can’t remember the date exactly, I suppose it was in the latter part of 2006, perhaps November or December. What I recall is more my emotional status at the time and how I was feeling a sense of discouragement and disillusionment. It had gone beyond just lack of motivation, but that I had dedicated myself to investigation and discovery for many years in a field that was of little interest or understanding to but a handful of people. I realize that I’m so very common that I often confuse my own self identity with what I produce, and yet I couldn’t shake the haunting message I was sending myself, as to “just what was my point in being?”

I must have requested assistance, although objectively I don’t recall using words aimed in any particular direction, whether it was to Elias energy, or my own expanded essence. I just curled up in a ball on the couch, and debated to myself if somehow I was running low on value fulfillment.

Thoughts and ideas were floating through my mind like colored leaves in a brisk autumn wind, when I heard a faint “hello.” Not something entirely unfamiliar, but thoughts devoid of their usual concreteness. I had discovered sometime back that not all of my thought was the same. Some of my thoughts were heavy, intrusive, and seemed to fall around myself like bricks. But some thought was light and airy as though arriving on the wings of imagination itself. And those whims were so non-intrusive that I often ignored them as unimportant to the task at hand. But it didn’t just say “hello.” How curious.

And because of my curiosity I responded with a “hello,” and in a flash of inspiration I knew this was Petunia.

I was aware of a future focus of mine named Petunia from an impression Daryl had in ‘04. Daryl emailed me asking if it was alright if she confirmed this with Elias in her next session, but I didn’t feel I could connect with Petunia at the time, and had paid little to no attention to it even after Elias’ validation.

Petunia immediately expressed her delight in finally connecting with me, which from her viewpoint is a historical version of herself. I asked if she was a teacher at the Alterversity, which she confirmed, but when I asked her what she taught, she responded with “you.” She was aware that I was in a state of disillusionment, and felt thwarted in my efforts of teaching. She expressed that that was because I was not the teacher, she was. Instead I was the inventor.

That statement rang true to me as I flashed upon my life in the hue of creativity and invention. Indeed, I had always been an inventor, never satisfied with anything less than sailing to the distant shores of my own imagination. And I was still within this process in this very moment, as in the bizarre way that I invent a future focus of myself, while simultaneously she creates a past focus of herself, and they intermingle in an exchange of information beneficial to both, and as real as the reality of any experience.

She offered more information as to her time frame and circumstance. She is approximately one hundred years in my future, and her location is in the United States somewhere in the Pacific Northwest, or what I would identify as Washington State, although she clarified that the coastline is not the same as what I know, nor is the city name something that I would recognize. I did feel comforted that she was not so far into the future, that I would have a hard time comprehending her distinct viewpoint or situation. To me, a hundred years from now seems very much like my own tomorrow.

I asked her for the main difference between my here and her then, and to my surprise she responded that “the biggest difference is within self-satisfaction.” I would have thought deep space travel or flying cars, but she went on to elaborate. The importance is on individuality, where as in your present society, the majorities are dissatisfied with themselves in some manner, in her society the majority are very satisfied with the creation of themselves. And for those few, who are not, there is an understanding of what motivation dissatisfaction brings, and that it is temporary and not a lifetime sentence.

This was because they consciously participate in their physical body creation, both before physical birth and after. Each individual can communicate with their own DNA structure and cell consciousness and request within cooperation various modifications as easily as we may have our ears pierced or receive a tattoo. Any body modification that we now achieve through the belief process of plastic surgery can be done without the surgery. In fact, there is no surgery in her time frame, as it is considered intrusive and out of vogue. Every woman, if she chooses, may look like Barbie, therefore, no one does. That is way out of fashion. Instead the emphasis is on uniqueness, each individual being as creative as they can in their constant body construction.

For instance, she has chosen the genes of the tall slender Ethiopian, combined with Norwegian genes for light hair and light eyes. And she modified her blue eyes to the point that they are so light they often appear white, because she loves the contrast of light against dark. She also constantly adjusts her appearance mostly according to current trends, similar to how we would change our clothes or hairstyle.

She expressed that her life is like a constant theme party, and many people will select a certain time frame to imitate both in body structure and costume. There is a great love of history, but also the creativity to mix and match according to one’s own taste, thereby enhancing the flair for the unusual.

They don’t eat as much as we do, often going for days without food or any expression of hunger. But when they do plan a meal it is considered an occasion and celebration to be shared by many. Much goes into the preparation in terms of design, and they mix and match the tastes of many cultures. The preparation of food itself is replicated instantly, and there is no need for farming or storage warehousing. So the majority of preparation is within invention of a menu, along with costumes and ambiance.

They also have a different relationship with the planet, and to chop down a tree to make boards and build a house would be considered scandalous. Instead they view the tree as a being with consciousness, and would live in the tree, or among the trees, even requesting cooperation from the trees to provide adequate living arrangements. The climate is no longer extreme, and although still somewhat variable, much more comfortable and accommodating. They do not possess a lot of “stuff” because with the Replicator there is no need to acquire. They simply create on demand, and eliminate when no longer useful in the moment, for it is available to be re-constructed at anytime from a lingering library of ideas.

After our initial conversation, I thought long and hard about the Replicator. Although I like everything she said about her situation, I was most intrigued about the Replicator itself, imagining it as a machine, perhaps microwave or even refrigerator sized. Yes, they adopted the name from Star Trek, but it is not a machine. I will share this later in my story, in the same manner that Petunia explained it to me.

Petunia composite:

On our second encounter I was more prepared with questions for Petunia. I was curious about her job teaching and her connection to me. She explained that the Alterversity is not a physical place, although it is very real, it exists more like cyberspace without the use of computers. It is like an agreed meeting area in regional area 2, or dreamland. There is no formal education as we know it, but rather areas for groups of essences to meet and exchange idea and experiences, much like we do on the forum.

Education is based on desire to know and nothing is actually taught, so she is not so much a teacher as she is a collector of information that she packages like a book that isn’t written. It is a ball of data similar to Robert Monroe’s ROTE, that can be sent to an individual or individuals to unwrap and assimilate at their leisure, but no reading is required. The individual is aware of having received the ROTE, and the general theme of the information, and they can use their intuition to access the data, almost like using your memory to mine a book that you are aware you have already read. One simply trusts that the information is available and accesses through a process of direct knowing, like having an encyclopedia at your fingertips. In other words, one simply “googles” themselves.

People are generally more aware of energy and there is a increased desire to know about essence families, or the different classifications of the basic energy divisions in this dimension of physical reality. Petunia and I are basically one in the same, therefore she appreciates my efforts in the collection of information regarding essence families, color, personality, energy centers, legends of the 9, and more. She especially likes that I have included imagery and sound into my work and encourages me in this direction. She often taps into my expressed collection of data, and also my world view directly, and incorporates this into her creation of ROTES.

As an example Petunia has sent me a ROTE to peruse at my leisure. “Damn cool!” I say.



Steve wrote:

I'm very intrigued by all this post-Shift-world information! Could you
ask her about her contemporaries' understanding of this time period
that we experience now? I know that there is simultaneous time, and
that Petunia's 2107 is not the same as the 2107 that I may create if I
manage to live to be 128 years old, so her present is not necessarily
our definite future, but it will be similar, I expect. I guess my
first question is, are there people in her time who are 120-150 years
old? That's really what I'm after, I think. I want to be there and
experience that. So ask her to look me up! :)

Is there anything she can tell you about significant historical events
in the next ten years or so? You said that the Pacific Northwest coast
is different in her time. How did that happen? When did it happen?

It gave me pause when I read about the "replicator" she described. My
understanding of the Shift is that we come to know, objectively, that
we create our reality, and that we can generate any expression we want
if we have a more complete awareness of our choices in each moment.
That ability and awareness, as I understand it, is independent of any
technology that we may have. However, your future focus says that our
lack of need to acquire is rooted in having replicator technology.
Does this mean that our Shifting is partially technology-driven? If we
suddenly lost our technology, would we, essentially, un-Shift?

Oh, so many questions, so many questions... Let me know if you manage
to ask her any for me :)


Petunia is not aware of anyone in her community that is 128 years old or older, but it is possible. Age is not a concern, and people do not identify themselves by age, or place themselves into roles based on age. Even children are not limited by age and are allowed to freely express themselves. So someone may be much older than they appear, but it is not important to know how old they are in physical years. Federal and state governments have been eliminated in favor of smaller self-governing communities, so identity paperwork is no longer needed or used, it just isn't part of the culture.
In her understanding the Pacific Northwest coast changed due to a series of tsunamis, so it was not one major event, but rather several events that caused her people to move inland and establish new smaller communities.

The replicator is available for you to use right now if you can trust yourself to that extent. Even though it is humorously named after Star Trek, it is not technology, therefore it would have nothing to do with un-shifting. It is rather a process of reality creation which they have become very adapt at.


Tracy wrote:

Share, this is wonderful I love it! Does Petunia have pets?

Thank you for asking this question because Petunia and I had a lengthy conversation regarding this subject that I had all but forgotten.
They do not have pets so much as they have respectful relationships with creatures. They do not take full responsibility for the care of a creature the way that we do, and creatures are allowed their freedom of expression in the same manner that humans are. So creatures choose whether they wish to interact with humans domestically or whether they wish to remain distant and wild. Creatures are enjoyed the same way the environment is enjoyed, and they bring great pleasure to daily living.

Petunia had talked about humans being able to manipulate their own genes, they are also able to manipulate in a manner the genes of animals to create something akin to designer animals. People no longer concern themselves with saving a species from extinction, like we are doing with the pandas, but rather focus their attention on new species to be discovered and named.

Petunia herself interacts with a creature that is a cross between a fox and a raccoon, and something else, that I can’t remember. She is so entertained by this animal that has the charm and mischievous qualities of a raccoon combined with the slyness and cunning of a fox. She delights in the fact that she can never guess what the creature will do next and she is constantly astonished by its unanticipated antics. She said it is about the size of a small dog, with a fluffy fox tail and the markings of raccoon including the mask, but more reddish than black. It is wild in the sense that it appears at will and loves to test her own ingenuity, so it seems to her that there is a constant contest going on.

She never tries to contain or restrict this animal in any way, but it seems to innately know when Petunia would love to have some distraction in the form of amusing entertainment and it never fails to perform in that manner in the exact moment she would most appreciate it. It communicates with her in the process of its expressed behavior, but rarely comes close enough for her to touch or pet it. She believes it is female, so she calls it “foxy lady,” but like a cat, it never comes when called, as it delights in the element of surprise.


Steve wrote:

Thanks for the response! It would be really interesting if she could
put current events in a historical perspective, as she sees them from
her vantage point. Take the events of this decade, for example. On one
hand, you have political corruption, fear of terrorism, two-faced
politicians in every political party, and consumable products becoming
tainted for the sake of saving money. On the other hand, you have
remarkable changes beginning in our societal structure. Between
weblogs, YouTube, and the prevalence of personal computers, creativity
and free expression are being decentralized. We rely less on studios
and big business to make our creative works known, now that anyone
with a computer and an idea can make himself famous. You can see the
beginnings of a decentralized system like hers in our own daily lives.
What does she think of this period of history? And how will these
sweeping changes come about?

You mentioned that identity paperwork is no longer needed because
their culture does not value strict record-keeping due to the flexible
nature of identity and reality, or something along those lines. Still,
if she is capable of reaching out to you, she can reach out and glean
information about other individuals in remote locations in space and
time. It's not important that she look for me personally, but I'm
still curious to know whether there are many individuals alive in her
time who are alive in our time.

I hope you don't mind my analytical point of view. I find this
information fascinating, and an analytical approach is a big part of
my own value fulfillment. I'll likely continue to bombard you with
questions until you tell me to stop :)


From Petunia's perspective she really doesn't care about the political climate in 2007, anymore than I care about the political climate in 1907. I'm aware of the political changes and movement in the early part of the 20th century, but it isn't something that I would research in any great length because it doesn't capture my attention. It isn't the political climate that interests her, but rather the individual emotional climate, and the climate of our planet as it reflected the individuals. Her interest is in the movement of the shifty kids and their participation in establishing a brand new culture of acceptance of different types of expressions, as she personally is a product of that cultural movement.

They didn't intentionally decentralize anything, it was just no longer needed and therefore eliminated over a period of time, mostly because it simply no longer worked. As shifty kids grew up it was obvious that their behavior was much different, and traditional systems like the educational system could no longer accommodate them in the same manner as before, so new methods had to be invented. It eventually evolved to the point that there is no established formal education. The same with every other major social system, such as the financial, military, and government systems. It was totally driven by the needs of shifty kids as they became adults and made modifications according to their own requirements and desires. And then those adults had kids, and they grew up and made their own modifications according to their special needs, and so on. You can change the entire planet considerably in three or four generations, and so they did.

She is Sumafi aligned and history does interest her, but more in the area of different cultures and their particular traditions, food, and manner. She likes to mine the past for ideas and styles, similar to the way we like to look at the past fashions to create new current trends. As far as she knows, yes New York City does still exist, but they utilize it differently.
Petunia says that one of most significant changes is in the realm of medicine, as their viewpoint is totally different. They modify or heal themselves from the inside out, rather than from the outside in. They understand that it is not the body that is in a state of dis-ease, it is the psyche, and the body is merely reflecting this, therefore the first thing that they do is to examine the beliefs of the individual and their personal attitudes. It as normal to them as it is to us to examine an x-ray or get a CAT scan. In this method they bring themselves back into harmony, and the body reflects accordingly. It isn't that they learned to control their DNA, it is that they learned to recreate their DNA so that their physical appearance would be more to their desire. They understand within direct knowing that there is no outside of self to contend with, it is all a projection of the subjective self or the inner state of being.

Petunia is capable of reaching out to me, because she IS me, we are two sides of the same coin, so to speak, or two different viewpoints of the same essence. Our Tumold intent is the same, but she has a Sumafi inclination, whereas I have a Sumari inclination, and we are in two different timeframes. They do have the ability to tap into anyone's world view, living or dead, but they do this gleaning of information according to their own interests and desires. If it doesn't serve her personally, she doesn't bother. She says it is possible for there to be many individuals worldwide who are over 128 years old, but she doesn't know them personally, nor she has never bothered to ask anyone their physical age. In her world, you are what you are, and labels of any sort are not preferred. Individuals have full knowledge of other focuses and their activity, therefore the individual may not find it compelling to live a long life if it isn't totally exciting and fulfilling, as they have many other choices of attention and they are very aware of it.

You may continue to bombard me with questions, but understand that often Petunia has difficulty explaining her culture to me, as I would have difficulty explaining the information highway of the 1990's to someone in 1890. Some of it just doesn't translate well.


Elena wrote:

Sharon, I am delighted to learn via Petunia about her time frame and
some of the elements of her life. I was reminded of the book titled
The Snake Oil Wars by Parke Goodwin where he describes similar
creating like Petunia and her human sisters do. At least, I think it's
that series of books where I read it. 

Just recently I began having conversations with Estelle, a future
focus of mine living in 2136. She described clothing as made from a
type of sea plant, that all clothing is made from natural plants. Only
a little animal products are used for clothing. She lives in northern
Calif. near the water. After this conversation I asked Arkandin about
Estelle and he said it wasn't HIS Estelle. What? I was totally
surprised but when it came to me that I was speaking with another,
probable, Estelle he confirmed that it is so. Then I was confused for
some time b/c I wondered how the hell I could know WHICH Estelle I was
talking to. 

Oh, yes, the other tidbit of information Estelle (the probable or
aspect) gave me was that she is a "physician" (our term) and uses
color, sound and a type of device that uses frequencies to help people

I first heard Estelle one night while Art and I were taking our walk.
That Estelle is the one paired with Arkandin in 2136. We spoke a
little and again on another occasion when she was at a kid's ball
game, somewhat like Little League. She has two daughters one of whom I
strongly impressioned as a current friend for whom I have long held
very warm feelings. 

I'm not sure which Estelle is the one who has been "in touch" with me
since I was a teenager. Maybe both! This double contact is
fascinating, in part because I'm giving myself twice the amount of
information. I got a glimpse, once, not long ago, of how me is the
"historical" focus for Estelle. She showed me how I am the future
focus of Chad, a "past" African focus, with whom I've had some
contact. I saw how he sees me as his future focus and that's how I see
Estelle as my future focus and me as her past. That image was a
fun and entertaining one! 

This double contact is fascinating! It's similar to the probable me of
the here and now who has a large brood of children. That Elena has six
children and still lives in California. I don't know much more than
that about her but that small piece of information explained a lot to
me about impulses and desires regarding children. Once identified
those impulses desisted.

As a teenager I held very different views about sexuality and about
religion. I remember discussions with friends and how they both
admired my views but also believed I was going to hell. Now I
know those views are my future focus' influence and they make/made so
much sense to me I never questioned them. I just thought the narrow
views many people around me held were odd and too limiting. I wondered
why in the world people thought like that.


Petunia has mentioned also using sound and color and a device like a tuning fork for healing purposes, sometimes like emergency quick care.

Every community is unique and has its own flavor, and each is known for its specialty, whether it is food, or clothes, or product, or whatever. They often identify themselves by colors, like a school has certain colors that pertain to it. The community itself has its own definite personality that suits the residents, and this is associated with essence families. Her community is tribal in a sense, but more like a village. There are communities that have technology as its specialty, as every community reflects its residents. No two are alike.

If a person is born into a community that they don’t agree with, they are free to find another that pleases them, and this adds to the overall feeling of self-satisfaction for individuals. No one is expected to stay in any one place if they don’t want to, and this is extended to children also. Every community is more or less like an extended family, and relationships are not confined to bloodlines. Sometimes individuals move in and out of different communities just for the adventure of it.

In Petunia’s community illness, death, and birth are all considered occasions, and those who desire to participate do and often there are many. They like to participate in healing, but not in the way that we know it, as they recognize that each individual heals themselves. It is more like supportiveness. They use frequency for soothing, and often gather to sing, or chant, or even hum for the patient. There is plenty of food, conversation, and interaction, for part of the healing process is a demonstration of the zest for life.

Death is also an occasion, as death is not seen as being separation or loss. Sometimes it is like a ‘Bon Voyage’ party, where the person in the process of disengagement sort of attends his own funeral. Often an individual will choose to die alone, and if so, this is respected also.

Birth is the most favored occasion, and there could be hundreds of people gathered. A child is born to his or her parents, but it is also born to the community in general. People will gather to immediately bond with the newborn and celebration is keynote.

Parents do not restrict their children, anymore than they restrict their animals. All members of a community may participate in the raising of a child, if they so choose. It isn’t required, but available. A child is free to wander the village, and they usually begin to do so around the age of two or three, or when they first begin to express their own individuality. Children of all ages will often gather together into different groups to play or interact devoid of any adult intervention.

Sometimes a child will choose an adult that they are attracted to and bond with them if the adult is agreeable. This becomes like an apprenticeship, and the adult will show the child what he or she knows or does. This is part of the educational process, but it is not an absolute, merely a choice. But it is a choice that the child makes on his or her own according to interest.

Petunia’s community adores nature and attempts to live in concert with the environment. They refer to their community by the name of “Harmony,” as it implies the intent.


Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying there is no technology in the future. I’m saying that in Petunia’s community they don’t use it because they don’t like a lot of ‘stuff’ around. To them it is like having an old car on blocks in your driveway. It is an eyesore. Her community is very Tumold, and they appreciate those things akin to ‘magic,’ so they found their own unique way, which they named the ‘Replicator.’

When she first talked about it, I too thought it was a machine, so I was very surprised to find out it was not. I love how she presented the idea to me.

This was six weeks after I had broken my leg and the cast was removed. I was given a brace to wear that is suppose to fit inside a running shoe, but I didn’t like that arrangement. I decided one day that what I really wanted was a pair of Dr. Marten boots, as they were originally designed for a broken leg.

I went online and googled Dr. Marten to find a vendor in the U.K. I perused their online catalog and found the exact pair I wanted. I ordered it and gave my credit card number for payment. To my extreme delight my boots were on my doorstep the very next day.

During my excitement Petunia tuned in and asked me how I thought the boots got there. I told her humorously that I thought there was a factory in a foreign country with elf workers that custom made boots out of the finest Italian leather. An elf worker must have selected my order from their warehouse, packaged them and gave them to a Fed Ex elf, who then put them on an airplane and sent them to a distribution center in the U.S. Then another elf put them on a Fed Ex truck and drove them to my house.

She laughed and said, “The factory is a belief. The elf workers are a belief. Fed Ex is a belief. Even the time lag is a belief. You can simply decide exactly what you want and have it magically appear on your doorstep in an instant. This is the Replicator. It is a process of belief.”

Then she went on to say, “This is how we eliminated money, and you are close to that now. You have a thing called direct deposit and a bankcard for direct withdrawal. Eliminate the bank belief and that’s it. Trust that your self-worth account is always full, and you may purchase whatever you want without the use of a card.”

How sweet it is.


Katie wrote:

I have done this a number of times myself. Petunia is
quite right. It's not only possible for her, but it's
possible right now for us. I have filled my gas tank a
couple times with nothing but energy...and it was done
deliberately. I've also manifested flowers in the shop
that we didn't have...just out of thin air. Just
believed it was there to be found.
I can see without a doubt how this can work.


Fran wrote:

This is something I've been doing recently and I am finding that for 
the first time in my life I actually "have" everything I want! Well, 
I shouldn't say "everything" - there are some things I'm saving for 
later surprises and enjoyment. I just took all last week off to do 
whatever I wanted to do and I found that I actually wanted to work 
and I enjoy the exchange of being paid to work. Imagine my surprise, 
after so many years of grumbling about having to work for a living. 
Yes, it's very sweet!


Steve wrote:

Thanks again for indulging my curiosity. Please feel free to convey my
heartfelt appreciation to her as well. I understand the difference in
perception causing her to not particularly care about all aspects of
2007, and the difficulty in translating concepts across a century of
change. That difficulty occurred to me when I tried to explain to my
grandmother, who has never used a computer, what a "software engineer"

I think my motivation in all this is to learn more about what we can
experience in the relative short-term future. From your description,
it sounds like the Shift is about future generations rebuilding old
systems to fit new paradigms. I'm selfish, though, and I want to be
part of the new paradigms, not just part of an old obsolete generation
that gets replaced by children with wider awareness than me. I want to
know what the Shift has in store for us in the next five years, the
next ten years, maybe the next twenty years. I figure that'll keep me
busy for now, before I start wondering about the twenty years after
that. I'm working in the present to make my "now" as rich and
fulfilling as possible, since I know that focusing on the present is
where we'll be able to make the most difference in our realities, but
I can't shake this craving for a peek into the future of the Shift,
even into just the next twenty or thirty years, if not the next
hundred. I can't imagine I'm the only one who feels this way.


Petunia returns a heartfelt appreciation to you also, and she wanted to remind you that your future is up to you. You may create whatever you like in spite of what the collective does or does not do.  You may create your own future focus to assist you through the shifting process or as reassurance that there is a future. Use your imagination, for imagination is quite real.


Fran wrote:

Your posts about Petunia are reminding me of the Malonga tribe in 
Venezuela that is already fully shifted and many of us have focuses 
there (I'm not aware whether I do or not, although if does feel very 
familiar to me). I realize it's not really "Malonga" but I'm not at 
this moment remembering the name. At any rate, I believe their 
approach to family and tribe is quite similar to what you are 
presenting here. Also the Sioux were similar in their family ties - 
each child had its biological parents but also was free to choose a 
father or mother "of the heart".


Yes it is very similar. For I create Petunia as she creates me.  In that tribe I am a Shaman.
I think this is what you are looking for:


Ioanna: I was looking for some information on the tribe that has been nicknamed the “Malonga” by forum members, but I didn’t find any information on it, but I did find a link to a small tribe in Venezuela known as the Maiongong or Yekuana, who... they are described by South Americans as the “finished people,” meaning they have an advanced culture, is that the same tribe that we in the forum connect to as Malonga?

Elias: Yes!

Ioanna: Oh, cool.

Jeremy: And do I have a focus in the Yekuana tribe with Iona?

Elias: Yes!

Elias - 2215


Elena wrote:

I wonder if the current flap about the reality show (to be
aired tis Fall) of unsupervised children who create their own
community is a first step toward "desensitizing" us toward this idea?
Much has been made of the 14 hour work day and the hard work each
child did. The biggest scream, though, has been about the unsupervised

Sharon said: Children of all ages will often gather together into
different groups to play or interact devoid of any adult intervention.

Yes, I think you are exactly right.  We are perhaps experimenting with ideas about what can be created.


Pat wrote:

I want one! (A future focus that I interact with, that is......)


When Daryl first told me of her impression of my future focus by the name of Petunia, I had no connection to it. The name Petunia seemed strange to me, and I simply forgot about it. I think it was my emotional status at the time that sparked the interaction. I haven't recorded how helpful Petunia has been to me with her words of encouragement, and how she uses what I invent to assist her in her work, as it is so very personal. But it is definitely a two way thingy, both of us benefit from the other. 

It was Petunia that suggested to me that I don't submit to surgery after the accident. She told me she would help me connect with my own cells, and I could practice on myself. I think I'm doing very well, and I'm up and walking. I've had so many experiences with my healing method  that I haven't recorded as yet, but what a learning process it all was. Although I don't think I would want to do it again.

One of the things that I did while I couldn't walk was to re-read Seth's "The Way Toward Health." What struck me most was how supportive Seth was to Jane to the end, and yet she was unable to utilize the wonderful information he delivered. I was so grateful that I was open to it all, understood it, and sucked it in like a sponge. 

I guess there are no accidents.
